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PTA 205

Motor Development

(to be used in conjunction with the PTAP Student/Learner Handbook)

                Holly Kaiser, PT, DPT
Course Coordinator
 MS 157      
Course Title
Motor Devlopment
Course Number
PTA 205
Credit Hours
Contact Hours in Semester
Number of Weeks
Number of clinical weeks
Pre-requisite Courses

PTA 101 Intro to PTA

PTA 105 Kinesiology

PTA 112 Pathology

Co-requisite Courses:

PTA 213 Therapy Clinic

PTA 235 PTA Clinical Ed II

DIvision of Health Professions PTA Program Faculty

All PTA prgram courses may only be attempted twice and the minimum passing

grade is a C+.



Required Texts:   Please refer to the PTA Program Textbook Listing and Check with your instructor prior to the purchase of any textbooks to make sure you have the most recent information.