Clinical Education I   PTA 224
Course Number PTA 224
Course Title PTA Clinical Education I
Credit Hours 3
Clinical Hours 40 hours per week x 4 weeks = 160 hours
Number of clinical weeks 4
Pre-requisite Courses

PTA 107 Therapeutic Measurement

PTA 112 Pathology

Co-requisite Courses

PTA 227 PTA Seminar I

Course Description:       PTA  Clinical Education I


       Supervised clinical instruction to observe the clinic environment and PT/PTA interactions; develop professional deportment and communication; refine measurement and time management skills; and learn about patient chart information.  Experiences are shared with classmates and faculty in PTA Seminar I (PTA 227).



Forms for Learners:

      *  Attendance Sheet

      *  Weekly Summary Form

      *  Clinical Experience & Instruction Evaluation

      *  Contact Summary

      *  Learner Profile

Forms for Clinical Instructors:

      *  Weekly Summary Form

      *  Clinical Instructor Survey