Publications: Barbara J. Behrens PTA MS


3rd edition @ 2014 includes both text and lab in one volume!


  • Publisher: F A Davis Co; 2 editions @ 2005 & 2006

I   The Concept of Adjunctive Therapies  

1.  Evidence-Based Practice with Physical Agents

2.  Tissue Response to Injury

3.  Patient Responses to Therapeutic Interventions

II   Thermal and Mechanical Agents

4.  Therapeutic Heat and Cold

5.  Therapeutic Ultrasound and Phonophoresis

6.  Aquatics and Hydrotherapy

7.  Soft Tissue Treatment Techniques: Traction

8.  Soft Tissue Management Techniques: Compression and Edema Management

9.  Soft Tissue Management Techniques: Massage

10. Electromagnetic Radiation: Diathermy, Ultraviolet, and Laser

III  Electrical Stimulation for Therapeutic Treatment Goals

11. Foundations of Electrical Stimulation and Iontophoresis

12. Electrodes and Lead Wires: Material and Care

13. Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation

14. Electrical Stimulation for Tissue Repair

15. Pain Management with Electrical Stimulation

16. Interferential Current Therapy in Clinical Practice

IV  Comprehensive Approach to Treatment

17. Integration of Physical Agents: Clinical Decision Making